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Speaking out against racism

More than just reporting it

Racism remains a big challenge across Australia and Victoria and continues to have devasting effects on many people from various communities every day. But it is often very difficult to speak out against racism and to find support after experiencing racism.

A recent Victorian-wide study found that 76% of people from racially marginalised communities have faced racism – two-thirds of them also in the past 12 months. But only 15.5% of those who face racism have ever reported any such incident.

There are many different reasons for this. For example, many don’t know where and how they could seek support or are concerned that reporting could make things worse for them or their family. Others think that current reporting and anti-racism services do not offer the kind of support they need after an experience of racism: understanding, cultural safety and advocacy.  

This website was set up as part of a pilot project that tries to address some of these barriers. The goal is to help make it easier to speak out against racism and vilification and to find and access the ‘right’ anti-racism support.

It provides resources about anti-racism and anti-vilification in Victoria and basic information about reporting pathways and anti-racism support services by

  • three newly established local, community-led anti-racism support networks, currently active in Wyndham, Whittlesea and Melbourne’s southeast; 
  • key state-wide agencies such as the Victoria Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission or Victoria Police;
  • other support services, including those specifically targeting certain groups of affected communities such as First Nations, Muslim or Jewish communities       


Racism Register: New community-led initiative dedicated to documenting racism

Welcome to this new website: Anti-Racism Support in Victoria

Victorian Government releases first statewide anti-racism strategy 

Proposed changes to Victoria’s hate speech and vilification laws